Earn More with Less Risk +
Treat Better

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“The Problem”

Chiropractic Personal Injury Classes Block Earn More

“Credentialing Offered”

Chiropractic Personal Injury Classes Block Less Risk

“Training Classes”

Chiropractic Personal Injury Classes Block Treat Better

Chiropractic Personal Injury Classes Teaching

According to the Department of Transportation in 2014, there were more than 2,300,000 people injured in motor vehicle injuries.

Treating these patients properly is a serious issue and it is our mission at the American Academy of Motor Vehicle Injuries to provide doctors and lawyers with the tools to properly diagnose, document and manage personal injury cases to ensure that those who suffer motor vehicle injuries get the best care possible and are fairly compensated for those injuries.

With our industry leading continuing education program chiropractors can learn to earn more income on motor vehicle injury cases, reduce their risk with insurance companies as well as courts of law, and ultimately give the best possible treatment to these patients.

It is our belief that given the support of properly trained chiropractors, motor vehicle injury patients need not suffer at the hands of insurance companies. We believe that when trained a chiropractor’s patients can receive just compensation for losses and injuries, and receive much better treatment in their paths toward full recovery.

About our Founder:

Dr. Bill Gallagher DC, CME is the founder and Educational Director at the American Academy of Motor Vehicle Injuries as well as a program speaker and teacher. Dr. Gallagher’s passion is ensuring that chiropractors understand the importance of proper diagnosis, documentation, and management of motor vehicle injured patients. He owns his own practice, Phoenix Medical and Legal Services, specializing in personal injury and motor vehicle injuries in Phoenix, Arizona and has been in practice for decades.


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